Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Many of you, and by many of you, I mean no one, have asked about the origin of our name.

I will dutifully tell you the truth, but I will let you decide which of the following circumstances is the truth.
  1. While performing in the illustrious Gull Lake High School Band, Josh and I had a horrible run-in with several tubas. It all started when we had been shouting across the field at each other. I guess we had been having a disagreement about a particular set. As we moved from set to set, marching towards each other, the shouting became more heated. So heated, in fact, that we forgot where we were supposed to be, and were subsequently run over by half the tuba section. Sadly, we ended up lying on our backs, shouting at each other. Hence the name, shoutliers.
  2. Contrary to popular opinion, Josh and I are nerds. Something that nerds like, besides Richard Dean Anderson and musical instruments, are statistics. It is well-known that the median age for marriage is increasing; according to the Pew Research Center, "It now stands at 28 for men and 26 for women". In D.C., the average man and woman is settling down at 32 and 30, respectively. However, as Josh says, "Remember that's the median though. And people who lie exactly on the median are, by definition, boring." That's news worth shouting. Hence the name, shoutliers.
I think that is all I can come up with.



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