Thursday, August 26, 2010
In reading an article (see below) on proper etiquette for the XBOX Live network (you can chat with friends using a microphone while playing fun games), one of the key points was to have some great jokes to share. Jokes are a fantastic way to let new potential friends know not only am I cool and witty, I am fun to be around! This last part depends a bit on the type of jokes you use, but have no fear. I've included a few here that are guaranteed to win over everyone or just physicists!

Q: Why did the physicist cross the mobius strip?
A: To get to the same side.

So an atom walks into a bar, all upset and goes up to the bartender.
"I just got robbed on the subway!" he says. "Someone stole an electron!"
"Oh my gosh," says the bartender. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," says the atom, "I'm positive!"


Renaissance Lista said...

Can one threaten to rape someone? This question did occur to me while looking at the photo. Just needed some clarification.


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